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A race known only as the Verve, once ruled this lush and distant part of the Milky Way galaxy, but now they fight only for the servival, not need to say their freedom. They where ensalved millenia ago by the evil Kreenan, whos uncontrollable lust for wealth and power has drivern them to distroy may other races, in all of the known galaxy. All the other races, inlcuding humans stood no chance against there attacks and the battles where soon won, and the prey killed....
....now it is the Verve's time, but they are not going to slip quite a silently into the night...
...as everyone else did.

A resistance has started, a few survivers of the attack on there home world, Geta Prime, and of of some other long forgotten and never seen since race, have gathered on in the secret underground base of Mothel 1, the barren sand duned planet of which is so desolit the Kreenan assumed that nothing could survive there, at all, ever.
They have been accumulating the past minds and knowlage of there divine and sacred predisors and have now consturcted a great fleet of the most advanced space craft known, some which are even so advanced they do not exist in the this dimension at all, but in some other far off one..
The Kreenan think they have won...
... but the battle is far form over..
...no, it just begining.

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