Melitho Ventrate
Spec: Length:30.25 meters Weight (fully loaded):15 metric tones, 23 imerpial Speed:9054 kph Engine:Quad photo-ion drive Max thrust:Eq to Fret turbine=30020 million pounds per inch, however with this driver method there is no "real" thrust Weaponery:2 * 23 cm missile (air to air and air to ground) launch tubes (top mounted) , 1 * time Redt Milly Photo-ion cannon(front mounted) Phun featurs:The first and most important thing to note about this ship is that it does not use standard Fret jet turbine engines, instead it use the new photo-ion technology. This ship is the first one of its kind, that the Verve know of, so no expence was paid in it design and construction. It is equiped with the most advanced weaponary and sheald generators that the Verve have, the hull has been designed to withstand the worst possible treatment that anyone could give it, only ever, in its 2 years history has a pilot lost his life while piloting one of these. It is the dream of many young rebal cadets that one day they may get to fly in to battle in one of these, knwoing alomost certinally that they will come back alive. The second point is the primary weapon, the photo-ion cannon. As the name suggest it uses the same technoligy as the main propulsion system of this craft but the beam is much more highly focused and intense than that radiated by the engines themselves, almost so to point of being visible as a thick red beam of sorts, not looking to dissimilar from its laser cannon counterparts, however its effects are much more devistating. Infact the distruction caused by this intense beam of the purest form or energy known, is so bad that it is not highly recommanded that a target closer than 3 km should not be hit with this weapon, or serious damage may also be cause to the ship from which it came. It is for this reason many pilots do not use this weapon until they have experiance in the flight of the MV, in order to avoid any blast that they may face as a result of firing this weapon. Because of the way this weapon works the pilot only has one shot at his/hers/its target. This is beacuse the engery needed to power this weapon is sapped from the four engine cores, one in each nacel, and anymore than one shot, it has been found, causes these to collaps in on themsleves resulting in the, if the pilot is unlucky, destruction of the ship, but if the pilot is lucky, total system shutdown before the cores reach cryticall mass, this has also been known to happen. As a safety feature to prevent the pilot firing the weapon twice, for what ever reason, the tip of the front of the ship, this is the converging point for all the energy, has been mde in shuch a way that it will vapourise after one long shot, anything up to 3 minutes long, and this then rendours the weapon useless. Points:This carries either one or two pilots, thought only one is needed to pilot the craft, the other must fire the primary, and secondry, weapons, and for the reasons mentioned above the two need to trust each other to uppermost, as if one messes up, they will both have a very long time to arrgue over it! This craft is designed as an all purpose craft, with ability to fly between planets, and often star systems, although this is a slow method, with the use of the photo-ion engines, as well as in the atmospheres of many planets. Usual Missions:Long range attack, anything up to 4 star systems, search and destroy, of ground and air based targets. |
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