Class B: Metchna

Excuse the crap image...


Length:25.75 meters
Weight (fully loaded):18 metric tones, 34 imerpial
Speed:2300 kph
Engine:Large duel fret style jet turbine, using busard ram jet technology
Max thrust:33589 punds per inch
Weaponery:2 * dome beam laser cannons (one on each wing tip),1 Photon Ray cannon
Phun featurs:This is one mean ship. It has speed of a rabbit, the shell of a turtle and the manovorbilty of a swallow. The semi-diamond outermost coating of the hull means that its a heavy one, but the hull is only pregnable by a direct hit from a 10-mege tonne nuclea weapon, of which it is strongly believed the Kreenan do not have. This cuppled with the Anarkine force feild energy sheild, of which is usless when a physically weapon is used, but is the best at deflecting any pure energy weapon beam under 30000 giga-wats power for at least 3 minutes! This ship is shear overkill. It needs it though because of it low maximum speed. One advanced feature of which no other ship in the fleet has the abillity to do, it can fully ditatch it's two jet turbines in an emergancy, of which is a same and supported feature by the resistance. The large wing span means that the pilot can glide and land this craft quite safely with or without the engines. This craft is equiped with a small ion pulse drive of which can be used to travel between target planets, and this is a much more reliable method than that used buy the Veloroth M29.
Points:This craft requires a Class B or above drop ship to travel inter-stella distances
Usual Missions:High and low orbit close combat, and ground attack.

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