Voleroth M29

Excuse the crap image...


Name:Voleroth M29
Length:10.45 meters
Weight (fully loaded):1.3 metric tones, 3.1 imerpial
Speed:6700 kph, with tank, 2300 kph without tank
Engine:Single fret style jet turbine, using busard ram jet technology
Max thrust:13450 punds per inch
Weaponery:4 * 20cm pulse laser cannons, 2 * 15 mm chain cannon (front/rear mounted,computer controlled)
Phun featurs:Don't judge this little puppy by it's fur, under neath it's one mean mother. This ship, all be it not very manoverable, can outrun any other ship in it class, with air speeds of which some craft can only dream of. This is acheived by the use of a nitrose oxide gas, also know to use a laughing gas, which is stored in the bulky exteria tank on the back of the ship. This tank is also fully ditachable enabling the pilot to jetsan it if he/she feels to need to. This however is a risky manuver and is not strickly supported by the resistance as useful, as the fuel line connector assembly has been known to stay attatched as even when the body of the tank is not, this causes problems as the tank the, under the influence of gravity (if any) falls into the exhaust jet and explodes, thus taking the ship with it. Many valuable resistance pilots have lost there lives to this defect, for which there is no apparent cure.
Points:This craft is restriced to atmaspheric attacks, due to its extremily short range, however it does have the capabillity to travel between two planets, in space, but this is restriced by how long the air tank can last, and this depends on the velocity, so this is another unsupported feature, of which the risks are very high. The good point is that what ever its lacks in range it makes up in shear firepower, and speed. This craft requires a Class B or higher drop ship for ineter-planetary, and inter-stella travel
Usual Missions:Short range attack, search and destroy, of a ground based target.

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